Graduation of the 4th batch of the project “Year for god”

We had the fourth graduation of 14 graduates of the project "Year for God".
YFG is a project for young people from different regions of Kenya who decided to dedicate a year of their lives to grow in Christ and experience full-time ministry in the church.Throughout the year, our students strengthen their faith, deepen their relationship with God and learn to serve their own people.

During this year they took part in several missionary trips, participated in all ministries in our church, passed the annual Bible school, read many inspiring Christian books, and learned many useful skills. They’ve also went through the discipleship groups.

14 born-again, Jesus-loving, ready and willing to serve young people-

this is the result of the project 2022-2023

Many of our students have joined our churches after the project and are actively involved in service! We thank everyone who invested in the lives of these guys both spiritually and financially! We are also grateful to those who taught, spent time with them, loved and encouraged them!

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