
Learn about the main events in our church

We had the fourth graduation of 14 graduates of the project "Year for God".
 YFG is a project for young people from different regions of Kenya who decided to dedicate a year of their lives to grow in Christ and experience full-time ministry in the church.
At the end of May, at our church in Capuot we opened a second cafeteria for the hungry. The first feeds about 140 people on Dunga. The second started by feeding 80 people including elderly, disabled, widows, large families, children from dysfunctional families.
Jesus said: Follow me. And also, He said, "Where I am, there my servant will be." So where is Jesus? Where He's going? He who knows His heart knows where to find Him.
Jesus said: Follow me. And also, He said, "Where I am, there my servant will be." So where is Jesus? Where He's going? He who knows His heart knows where to find Him.
We continue to focus on discipleship. And this is the most effective way to influence people's lives.
It has already become a tradition to visit boarding school for children with disabilities.
We’ve been working with teenagers, particularly with girls, for a long time. And we see all the challenges they face.

What a blessing that Kenya's schools are open for preaching the gospel. And we use this opportunity to go to children with the Good News.
Whenever schoolchildren have holidays, we try to use this time for daycare camps! Two of our churches hosted preteen camps, children from 9-12 years old.
Remember how it all began. There have been many testimonies of how God has touched people's lives through our team.
On October 9, we had a solemn and long-awaited opening of a new church!
In November, Water Baptism took place in our main church "New Life" on Dunga.
It has already become a tradition to visit the orphanage for disabled children. Part of our missionary team and students from the Bible school Year For God they made
a three-hour journey to serve at the orphanage.
Since we now have two churches, the work is multiplied by two.Now it’s not one camp, but two! During the Christmas holidays we had two camps for pre-teens (children from 8 to 12 years old).
With our team, we have redefined our ministry and saw that we were focused on the wrong things. We have changed the approach to our ministry. From a crowd to a small group of students.
We also had two evangelistic Youth services that welcomed the youth of two large slums.
Evangelistic program in Kapothe called "SOS" brought together about 105 people, and
Dunga evangelistic program we called "RISK" gathered 135 people.
There are new additions to our missionary team. We were joined by the wonderful family of Ricco and Katya Huder from Switzerland.
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